Weekly Family Email
April 9th, 2021
Week 34

PWA’s daffodils have given way to tulips!
We were delighted to welcome all our students back to school this week! And the students returned excited to see one another. We enjoyed hearing about their various spring break adventures!

With the weather steadily improving, we managed to spend a lot of time outdoors this week. Teachers took lots of pictures, shared below. We’ve all been observing how things grow and change, and learning about the cycles of plants and animals in spring. Each classroom has been caring for caterpillars, many of whom turned into butterflies today! We look forward to setting them loose early next week.

Speaking of growing, we’ll hold our annual School Beautification Day with our students on Tuesday, April 20. Teachers will let parents know what kinds of plants each class will need to bring in to plant in the garden–herbs, flowers, or vegetables. Students will have the opportunity to plant their seedlings in our gardens–and enjoy the fruits of their labors before the school year ends! Be on the lookout for an email from the office next week regarding School Beautification Day.

Meanwhile, in our classrooms we’re headed towards the finish line with textbooks and curriculum, and have begun to review in preparation for our benchmark and Iowa tests, conducted at the end of May and beginning of June.

Enrollment is open for our Summer Enrichment Program (academics and camp activities) and the 2021-2022 school year. You’ll find information about both in the buttons below.

Have a wonderful weekend, PWA families!

Just a gentle reminder that all students should arrive in time to enter through their designated door and be in their classrooms no later than 8:45 each morning. Class starts promptly at 8:45 on the elementary side, and circle time is at 9 am in every preschool class. Students who arrive after class has begun miss out on important morning routines that set the tone for the day.

Thank you for helping to create a smooth morning for our students and staff members!

Spotted at school this week…we love PWA siblings!…Mr. Bannerman’s fifth grade math group…Dr. Plesa’s third graders flying kites…Mrs. Starr’s second graders getting the wiggles out in the gym…now that’s a pencil!…hatching butterflies…outdoor adventures for Mrs. Ajeroh’s first graders…adorable faces…more cocoons and butterflies!…Mrs. Saissi’s students making a special card for the birthday boy…the birthday boy!…Ms. Saissi and her young engineers…Ms. Becca’s kindergartners at work and play…art and music are back in the building and the kids are thrilled…Ms. Monika’s kindergarten cuties…fun times in Ms. Heather’s and Ms. Howard’s Jr K classes…Tykea Haley’s first circle time with her new students–welcome, Ms. Kea!…the preschool is full of cuteness!


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