Weekly Family Email
February 7th, 2020
Week 25

We’ve jumped into February at PWA, and enjoyed a busy and productive week as we began our celebration of African American History Month. Be sure to ask your child who they learned about in class this week!

Next week, we’ll start preparing for the science fair with packets and instructions to get our elementary and middle schoolers to start thinking about their projects. Students may also celebrate Valentine’s Day in their classrooms; we leave the decision to have a celebration or to exchange valentines up to each teacher. Please remember that we don’t allow candy at school.

We are starting up another season of Girls on the Run at PWA, for girls in grades 3 – 8. If you’re interested, please sign your daughter up! We need 8 participants to have a team–and this year the coach will be our own 2nd grade teacher, Mrs. Acosta!

Have a wonderful weekend, PWA Families!
PWA is putting together a Girls on the Run team this year, with Mrs. Acosta as our coach! Registration runs through February 25th, with practices starting in March. This program is available to girls in grades 3-8, and is a great way to get them active, and instill self-confidence and perseverance. Please click on the link below to register at their website. We need at least 8 students to form a team. Practices will be held twice weekly directly after school.
Girls on the Run (https://www.gotrnova.org/)

Just a reminder that PWA is an ENTIRELY nut-free school. This means that no tree nuts or ground nuts of any kind should be packed in lunches or snacks. This includes peanut or other nut butters (including in cookies or candies), nuts in granola bars, or trail mixes.

Please help us protect those students with severe nut allergies by being careful with what you pack.

If you would like to receive updates from the PTC about meetings, fundraisers and Spirit Nights, please click the button below to be added to their mailing list.

Click here to receive updates from the PTC (mailto:princewilliamacademyptc@gmail.com?subject=I’d%20like%20to%20receive%20updates%20from%20the%20PTC%2C%20please!)
This is the traditional time of year for sicknesses, and while most are transmitted through direct contact between kids, there are still ways to help stem their spread. Please remind your students to wash their hands frequently, and reinforce coughing into their elbows.

You can also help stop the spread of illness by keeping sick children at home. If your child has a fever, is coughing excessively, shows signs of pink eye, vomits or has diarrhea more than twice in a 24 hour period, they should stay home for the day. If you are called to pick your child up from school, they may not return until they have been symptom-free for a full 24 hours without the assistance of medication.  See below for our full sick policy, and let the office know if you have any questions.
PWA Sickness Policy (https://mcusercontent.com/5cce73ca32dfe2648ffe00182/files/7d0c7f48-2eec-4cbe-9881-8c73019e8632/SKMBT_C25320020717400.pdf)

The February menu is  (https://gallery.mailchimp.com/5cce73ca32dfe2648ffe00182/files/e063bf93-f882-4b0e-9a77-8a399c2f766f/DECEMBER_MENU.docx) here (https://gallery.mailchimp.com/5cce73ca32dfe2648ffe00182/files/70fd78c4-1d48-4b09-87a2-fa597b38a223/February_2020_Menu.docx) , and can also be found in the buttons at the end of this email, along with school lunch packet forms.

Please note that the school menu is subject to change.

What should your child’s fluid intake look like?

Staying hydrated is essential for your child’s well being. Water is always your #1 choice as a go to for this. It makes up more than 60% of your body. It’s critical for healthy digestion, cell function, waste elimination, joint mobility, body temperature regulation and not to mention, most of our organs contain a high percentage of water content for optimal function.

Milk is another great source that can be given during meals. Avoid ones that are sweetened. Fortified and unsweetened allows you to deliver essential nutrients that might not be found otherwise in juices, and also allows you to avoid the added sugars.

Other Drinks – Vitamin waters, sports drinks, juices, energy drinks – consider these more recreational and avoid giving these to your kids on the daily. Many of these drinks have added sugars, caffeine, sodium etc that your child is probably best to be without. The bad outweighs the good so its best to avoid these on the regular.

See the chart below for recommended fluid intake.

Thank you for reading and as always, if you have any questions or comments, feel free to reach out to purebeingsllc@gmail.com (mailto:purebeingsllc@gmail.com)


Please sign up to receive texts from PWA regarding inclement weather or changes to our regular schedule. Please note: this is NOT the same list we had last school year. You must sign up for THIS list to receive our texts.

Text PWAED to 33222
Spotted at School this Week…..

Sharing knowledge in Kindergarten…Soliana and Eliana’s daddy teaching the kids about rocket science!…lots of arts and crafts…4th/5th grade country of the week: South Africa…3s student Scarlett pinning her daddy at his Marine Corp promotion ceremony…happy faces…dinosaurs!!!….preschool conversations and elementary collaborations

Below you’ll find a link to the school calendar for the 2019-2020 school year. This calendar is subject to change on occasion as we add dates in for events. So be sure to check it regularly!
2019-2020 School Calendar (https://gallery.mailchimp.com/5cce73ca32dfe2648ffe00182/files/dda71546-b058-49e0-99c5-e706f03e3e24/PWA_2019_2020_School_Calendar.docx)

Important dates:
February 1st – February 29th: African-American History Month
Monday, February 17:  Presidents’ Day observed; no school or childcare
Wednesday, February 26:  Principal’s Scholar Awards, “Integrity.” 10 am


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You can reach us by phone at (703) 491-1444, or by email at office@princewilliamacademy.com.

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Call us back or indicate a convenient time and we will call you back.